
Boosting Sugarcane Yield to 100 Tonnes Per Acre: Mahendraji's Success Story

Boosting Sugarcane Yield to 100 Tonnes Per Acre: Mahendraji's Success Story
Boosting Sugarcane Yield to 100 Tonnes Per Acre: Mahendraji's Success Story

Sugarcane is one of the most important crops in India, both commercially and agriculturally. It is especially valued because it remains relatively unaffected by adverse conditions compared to other crops. Typically, farmers harvest only 50-60 tons of sugarcane per acre. Mahendraji was one of them, he also used to cultivate sugarcane by adopting traditional farming. However, he later amazed everyone by achieving a bumper yield of 100 tons per acre. The key to his success was using BharatAgri services and Sugarcane Growth Kit along with modern farming techniques. This approach helped increase both the length of the sugarcane and the number of shoots, as well as the yield. Today, we will explore how Mr. Mahendraji Chavan from Baramati, in the Pune district of Maharashtra manages to achieve over 100 tons of sugarcane yield per acre.

Organic Manure Increased the Fertility of the Soil           

Organic manure improved the fertility of the soil. Mahendraji emphasized that proper soil preparation and management practices, including the use of manure and fertilizers, are crucial for maintaining soil health and fertility, which contributes to the successful cultivation of sugarcane. Due to the river water, alkalis had accumulated in the soil, so organic manure was used to address this issue.

He ploughed his land one to two times to prepare it effectively for growing sugarcane. After this, he mixed 5 tonnes of Farm Yard Manure (FYM) and 3 litres of composting bacteria into the soil and allowed the mixture to decompose in the open air for 10 days. Once ready, he spread it evenly across the field. After thorough ploughing with a rotavator, he finally created ridges with 120 cm spacing.

Selecting CO 86032 Variety for High Yield

Mahendraji said that selecting the right variety is important to get a good yield of sugarcane. He selected the CO 86032 variety because of its exceptional qualities, which can help reach a yield of up to 100 tonnes per acre. This variety is renowned for its high sugar content and excellent recovery rates, making it ideal for maximizing profitability.

CO-86032 is resistant to red rot, a common disease that can significantly reduce yields, ensuring strong and healthy growth. Its adaptability to various climatic conditions and soil types further enhances its performance.

Seed Treatment and Sowing

When sowing sugarcane, Mahendraji used sets (cuttings of sugarcane stalks) or saplings. The sowing was done in July. Before sowing, the seeds were treated by soaking them for 10 minutes in a mixture of 500 ml of Chlorpyrifos 20% EC, 250 grams of Ridomil Gold, and 1 kg of 13:00:45 in 100 liters of water. This treatment is highly effective for ensuring good germination, controlling fungal diseases, and managing pests.

For optimal results, the row spacing should be 120 cm, and the plant spacing within rows should be between 30 cm and 45 cm. This spacing ensures that sugarcane has enough space to grow, reduces competition for resources, and promotes overall crop health.

Proper Use of Fertilizers

Talking about fertilizer management, Mahendraji said that effective fertilizer management is very important for sugarcane cultivation. At sowing, he applied the recommended fertilizer dose of 160:68:68 kg NPK per acre in four applications at one-month intervals. This quantity was achieved using urea, single super phosphate, MOP and DAP.

  • At the time of sowing: Applied 35 kg of Urea, 100 kg of Single Super Phosphate, 50 kg of DAP, and 60 kg of Muriate of Potash.

  • 45 days after sowing: Before earthing up, apply 140 kg of Urea and 10 kg of Micronutrients.

  • 90 days after sowing: Applied 50 kg of Urea and 8 kg of Sulphur.

  • 120 days after sowing: Before earthing up, apply 100 kg of Urea, 50 kg of DAP, 50 kg of 12:32:16, and 50 kg of Muriate of Potash.

    Sugarcane Growth and Tillering Kit- The Gamechanger

    Mahendraji used the Sugarcane Growth and Tillering Kit, which includes 6BA and gibberellic acid, along with effective fertilizer management. This kit was applied through spraying at 65, 85, and 105 days after sowing. The results were remarkable, with both increased sugarcane growth and a higher number of shoots/tillers.

    “Simply using more fertilizers will not increase sugarcane yield. In addition to fertilizers, it is essential to use 6-BA and GA to promote height and increase tillers to achieve a yield of 100 tonnes per acre. For this purpose, I used the Sugarcane Growth and Shoot Kit, which contains 6-BA and Progib.” -Mahendra Chavan (Farmer)

    Weed Management

    Weeds absorb the fertilizers and nutrients given to sugarcane, which causes sugarcane not to grow well. Therefore, Mahendraji used Syngenta Caloris Extra at the rate of 1400 ml per acre on the 18th day of sugarcane sowing, which controlled narrow and broad leaf weeds.

    Pest and Disease Control

    Mahendraji mentioned that when applying the first dose of fertilizer, he mixed neem cake and Bayer's Regent Ultra. This combination helped prevent outbreaks of white grub and early shoot borer. By applying a balanced amount of fertilizer, the sugarcane's immunity was enhanced, which led to fewer issues with other pests and diseases.

    Income of more than 2 lakh rupees per acre

    Mahendraji shared that he spent ₹50,000 per acre from sowing to harvesting of sugarcane. For two acres, his total expenditure was about ₹1,00,000. Upon harvesting, the sugarcane yield per acre was impressive, with a total of 205 tons for the two acres. With the sugarcane price per ton set at ₹2,600 by the factory, he earned ₹5,33,000 for the two acres. After excluding expenses, his sugarcane profit per acre was ₹2,16,500.


    1. Mahendraji Chavan successfully increased his sugarcane yield per acre to over 100 tons by using modern farming techniques and BharatAgri services.

    2. Effective soil preparation, including the use of organic manure and proper ploughing, contributed significantly to his high sugarcane yield.

    3. Selecting the CO 86032 variety was crucial due to its high sugar content and disease resistance, optimizing sugarcane farming.

    4. Seed treatment with Chlorpyrifos, Ridomil Gold, and 13:00:45 helped ensure good germination and pest control.

    5. Proper fertilizer management with a planned application schedule supported robust growth and high yield in growing sugarcane.

    6. The Sugarcane Growth and Tillering Kit, containing 6-BA and gibberellic acid, played a key role in enhancing growth and increasing tillers.

    7. Effective weed management with Syngenta Caloris Extra and pest control with neem cake and Bayer's Regent Ultra were important for maintaining crop health.

    8. The cost of cultivation of sugarcane was ₹50,000 per acre, with a total expenditure of ₹1,00,000 for two acres.

    9. With the sugarcane price set at ₹2,600 per ton, Mahendraji earned ₹5,33,000 for the two acres, resulting in a profit of ₹2,16,500 per acre after expenses.

    10. Mahendraji's careful management and innovative practices demonstrate the potential for high returns in sugarcane farming.

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